Small steps in faith

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Holy Week

I've been more aware this year of the fact that this is Holy Week.
At 3rd place Mike talked about Palm Sunday and I think that's what triggered my thoughts. Also, Adam has been posting on his blog about "The Seven Sayings of Jesus" which have also helped me to focus on questions I might not have asked.
This is the first year that I have given something up for Lent. Im a huge candy addict and I haven't had any candy since Ash Wednesday. I tried to give up pop as well but that didn't go too well :(
I have been so tempted this week...probably because of all the Easter candy and the fact that I know it's the last week.
It's hard to imagine what it must have been like to go through this week knowing that you are going to be mocked, beaten,denied,and forsaken. Knowing all of that, Jesus still spent his last night serving and teaching those closest to him ..concerned about others not himself ... it makes this week even that more special.