Small steps in faith

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Acts 1:8 Judea/Samaria

These are my notes from the sermon from Apex.

We had a guest speaker, Shane Bennett. He is the missions minister at a church called
Common Way in Muncie, Indiana.

"Lift up your eyes"

Did Samaritans have "cooties"?

To Jesus...Samaritans are part of the kingdom. When he talks to the woman at the well he tells her he is the Messiah. He reveals himself to her.

To the disciples...Fear of them. They have religious prejudices and they are more preoccupied with where they are going. They don't want to make unnecessary stops.

Who else has "cooties"?

Who are the Samaritans of today?
Who are the shunned , the untouched- those seen as being outside the kingdom of God?
In today's society....the Muslims,Hindus,Buddhists
Are you like Jesus who sees all in the kingdom of God or are you like the disciples who avoid those seen as being "outside the kingdom"
8/9 out of 10 Muslims have never met a Christian ....we need to walk across the room.

How do we outgrow "cooties"?

Be new
Be you

Learn to appreciate the beauty of the cultures around us.
Learn to see what's going on around us beyond what the news presents
Learn to engage .."eat strange"..Indian food, Chinese food,etc.
look at nametags..

"Perfect love casts out fear" John the Apostle

Perfect fear casts out love.


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