Losing weight

As I was growing up and even in my 20's and early 30's, the one thing I never had to worry about was gaining weight In fact in my teens I was actually underweight When I got married I weighed 105 lbs...then I had 2 children,ate alot of junk and didn't exercise so now in my 40's I found myself continually adding to my weight. I weigh about 20 lbs more than I want to and I have less energy ..so for the last 2 weeks I have been on a mission to practice what I preach I'm a diabetes educator so I preach meal planning(we hate the word "diet" and exercise Now I'm preaching it to myself I stopped drinking pop and went to water I had to cut back on my candy intake ( I'm addicted to pure sugar candy like Mike and Ikes, gobstoppers, and Sugar Babies), and I increased my walking time to an hour 3-4 times a week It's worked I have lost 5lbs(3 last week and 2 this week)
It's HARD the days I work I don't feel like walking the days I'm off I have to make a conscious effort not to eat between meals Also, I LOVE vanilla lattes at Starbucks and we are there at least 7 times if not more a week That's my "comfort" so I switched to skim milk
I know this is going to get harder but I'm stubborn and determined :)
At 2:05 PM,
darker than silence said…
You can do it. Anyone can do it if they try hard enough and exercise the right discipline.
At 8:00 PM,
Mike said…
that is always my downfall. I have very little discipline when it comes to exercise and diet. i start off with realistic goals and with good intentions but it seems as if i can't maintain that momentum for very long...i would like to lose 45-55 pounds. most people don't see it, but i weigh 240. that would put me back in the healthy 190 area. i guess i just need to commit to it and get people to hold me accountable.
At 10:06 PM,
Rochelle said…
yeah maintaining the momentum and the passion is the key Do it while you are younger ..it just gets harder as you get older :)
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