Small steps in faith

Friday, September 22, 2006

Fun trivia

I was watching "Oprah" .something I don't often do, and they had "burning" questions that people wanted the answer to

Here are a few of them

1 Can dogs see only in black and white ?

2 What color are black boxes in airplanes?

3 After age 20, how many brain cells do you lose a day?

a 5,000
b 15,000
c 50,000

4 Where did the term "God bless you" come from when a person sneezed?

5 Why are barns red?

The answers ....................

1 False Dogs can see colors ; usually red,blue and yellow

2 They are bright orange

3 c. 50,000 The way to slow it down is to read and do crossword puzzles

4 People used it as a term for protection because they believed when you sneezed you lost your soul

5 Farmers used to make their own paint and used rust in the mixture which caused the paint to be red


  • At 3:31 PM, Blogger tenahawkins said…

    Hey - I saw half of that show too. Like you I don't often watch tv during the day but I saw the dude that hosts the show Dirtest Jobs (before the questions you have on your blog) and he was talking about and showing his ventures. WHEW! You couldn't pay me enough to even host that show.
    Anyway, the guy that knew all the answers to those questions was pretty incredible. He's definitely a 'Mr. Know-It-All'. It's those ponderables that you never really think about.

  • At 10:28 PM, Blogger Mike said…

    ok, i will be honest, i knew several of these. and the one's i didn't know i will commit to memory. you never know when a game of trivial pursuit will break out....

  • At 10:34 PM, Blogger Rochelle said…

    Awww Mike....I knew you would know them
    That's why you need to go on Jeopardy :)
    trivial pursuit yeah :)


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