Small steps in faith

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Nehemiah 9

We're still in Nehemiah...I've enjoyed the history as well as the application Nehemiah has.
The next series is on Origins...creation,evolution,etc. hmmm should be interesting :)

How can we tell if we're serious about being God's people

1 Renewed mourning over sin (v. 1)...I thought it was interesting that sackcloth is a scratchy uncomfortable material to remind them how uncomfortable life is

2 Renewed emphasis on Holy living (v.2)

3 Renewed hunger for God's word (v.3)...This reminded me of my friend, Kyle.

4 Renewed zeal for worship (v.3-5)

Where do I find the fuel for worship?

I found this interesting because I've had some friends who have/are going through "burn-out".

1 Recognize God's supremacy in creation (v.6)... ie. beautiful blue skies, clouds,
butterflies and ducks (right Adam?)

2 Understand the move behind all of God's actions (For His glory)

3 Agree with God's justice in judgment(v33) This can be a tough one We have to accept God's wisdom even in the hard things that we don't understand (death of loved ones)
4 Remember God's continual gracious acts toward sinners...Even when we screw up, God uses us for good


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