"They like Jesus but Not the Church"
Dan Kimball interviewed "twentysomethings" for his new book coming out "They like Jesus but Not the Church" These are people who have dropped out of the church or want nothing to do with the church He made a list of their reasons
The Church is an “Organized Religion” with a political agenda
The Church is Judgmental and Negative
The Church is Male Dominated and Female Oppressive
The Church is Homophobic
The Church Thinks They Have the Exclusive Way to God (and everyone else is wrong)
The Church takes the Bible too literally and are “Fundamentalists”
The Church has alot of repair work to do to change the perception of this "twentysomething" generation
The Church is an “Organized Religion” with a political agenda
The Church is Judgmental and Negative
The Church is Male Dominated and Female Oppressive
The Church is Homophobic
The Church Thinks They Have the Exclusive Way to God (and everyone else is wrong)
The Church takes the Bible too literally and are “Fundamentalists”
The Church has alot of repair work to do to change the perception of this "twentysomething" generation
At 10:30 PM,
Mike said…
the unfortunate thing is that some Christians do not see the problem. if it does not affect them, then it isn't an issue.
many people have the same thoughts about Christianity. some of those people even happen to be Christians.
The problem isn't Christianity (the philosophy) it is CHURCHianity (the method). The religion based on the teachings of Christ has been presented in such ways that it leaves people confused, hurt, or angry. This is not how Christ presented himself to the needy, the sick, or the poor.
We, as followers of Christ, need to decide if we want to continue promoting a type of Christianity that is little more than an elitist mutual admiration society; or whether we can look at the mirror and identify the blemishes and try to make changes to correct them.
The choice is in our hands.
At 11:28 PM,
Adam said…
I agree with these people, especially with the idea that the church is male dominated. Why do we look at the scriptures that Paul gives Timothy regarding specific situations in those churches and apply them to all churches for all time? Why do we then let women come with gold necklaces and braided hair; after all, Paul forbids those things as well.
This is a subject that is very touchy for me. I had a youth sunday once in Dallas and since our worship team was made up of mostly guys, I told some of the girls that they could be communion servers. Boy was I wrong. There were men in the pews who turned their backs on these girls and refused to take the communion trays from them.
Why would God want over 50 percent of those who are a part of his church to be unable to use the gifts and talents He has given them for the church and the community? Ridiculous in my opinion. I have to be careful, since I do work for a church, but I do think that this issue is one that the Church (the whole church not our church) has gotten wrong.
At 3:26 AM,
Rochelle said…
I agree with you Mike This isn't how Christ presented himself to the needy,sick,poor,shunned,etc so why do we do it Why do we take verses and use them to condemn each other He did the exact opposite
As far as oppression of women Tena Hawkins sent this to me from a book called "Captivating" by John Eldridge
'It was women who followed Jesus from Galilee to care
for his needs. It was women who stayed 'at the foot of
the cross', offering him the comfort of their presence
until Jesus breathed his last (only 'John' remained
with them). It was to women that Jesus first revealed
himself after he rose from the dead, and it was to
women who first "clasped his feet and worshiped him."
(Matt. 28:9) as the 'Risen', Victorious Lord.
At 9:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thats really sad that people think that.
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