Small steps in faith

Thursday, November 17, 2005


I've started reading a book called "Revolution" by George Barna George Barna is a man who takes in data, does research, and predicts future trends
His definition of revolution is "repudiating tepid systems and practices of the Christian faith and introducing a wholesale shift in how faith is understood, integrated,and influencing the world"
The first chapter deals with 2 men who have left the church One has taken the path of losing touch with God,the bible,community,and spiritual responsibilities He has trouble "fitting God into his busy life" His friend also has disconnected from the church but not the Church He is a Revolutionary Christian He lives out his faith even though there may not be a connection to "the church" He tells his friend who has trouble fitting God in "Your faith needs to be a priority, not an add-on That's what you never seem to get It's not about trying to shoehorn God into your packed schedule; it's about building your schedule around HIM That's a whole different perspective"

"Revolutionaries are devout followers of Jesus Christ who are serious about their faith, who are constantly worshipping and interacting with God and whose lives are centered on their belief in Christ. Some of them are aligned with a church but many of them are not The key to understanding Revolutionaries is not what church they attend, or even if the attend. Instead, it's that complete dedication to being thoroughly Christian by viewing every moment of life through a spiritual lens and making every decision in light of biblical principles. These are individuals who are determined to glorify God every day through every thought, work, and deed in their lives"

How many of us "shoehorn" God in to our busy lives I know I do at times and it's something I want to change I lead a small group for Sr high girls and this is one thing I want them to get It's not about "going to church or small group" It's about living out your faith and making an impact on those who need Christ in their lives


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