Small steps in faith

Thursday, May 06, 2010

"How Does Jesus Lead Apex?"

My notes from last Sunday's sermon at Apex.

Matthew 20: 20-28

What does it mean to be great?

In this scripture it's believed that the mother of James/John is Jesus aunt.

The first thought is to put her down for her request

The other disciples became indignant because they didn't think of it first.

She asks for her sons to be on the throne next to Jesus...she doesn't know what she's asking

So you want to be great?

In order to be great you need to understand the cost of greatness (v22)

1. The cost of greatness (v22)

When you don't reach this, many experience the negative..cutting, anorexia,wrath, and retribution

Are you just "saying" you'll pay the cost or will you pull the trigger of obedience.

2. Understand the place of greatness (v25)

Greatness isn't sitting on a physical throne exercising authority as the Roman Empire

Jesus sets his throne in the human gospel-changed hearts. Politicians, corporations, don't change culture..the gospel changes culture.

Career doesn't matter..the inside of your heart matters..Guard your heart

3. The trust of greatness (v23)

Trusting in god's sovereign placement of your life

4. The position of greatness (v 26-27)

Not inward..serve in the our churches,in our marriages

5. The model of greatness (v28)

The disciples don't know the end of the story..they are still in Matthew Chapter 20.

The model isn't your pastors, not the praise's Christ

Do you want to be great? It's not a bad thing, but it has to be defined and directed by Christ


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