Ups and Downs
It's funny how God can give you such a positive experience and a negative experience in a matter of hours My emotions are on edge right now and the only one who can help me with this is God I'm relying on him to get me through today and I'm listening for him He didn't talk to me in scripture this morning but he did speak to me through a beautiful pink sunrise so I'm on my way to work in a minute with a beautiful sunrise, a worship CD and hopefully a better attitude to do God's work with his guidance
At 9:20 AM,
Doug Hill said…
i know what you mean. I have been listening to 94.1FM .... it's not worship, but it's non-stop Christmas music. Nat King Cole, Gene Autry, Tony Bennet, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin...the songs that take me back to a very innocent and special time as a child. It has really picked me up over the last couple days.
At 3:31 PM,
Mike said…
Rochelle i am here for you. i have moments like last week when i know that God and Satan are fighting over me. pushing me, influencing me, one builds me up, the other tears me down. it is a struggle to stay focused and yet that is our calling. you are a pillar of encouragement and faith to me. and i love your heart. you are truly a God-send to me. prayers are not the only way we can communicate to God, willingly listening communicates that we depend and expect him to answer. meditation communicates that we are willing to put aside everything else to focus on him. fasting communicates that our physical needs are not as fulfilling as the supply that he gives us. loving others communicates that we want to reflect his son. we can communicate in many ways to the heart of God. i pray that he hears you today and you hear him.
At 10:18 PM,
Rochelle said…
Doug Thanks for the Christmas station I'll listen to that station in the morning
I love Christmas music too :)
Mike Thank you for caring and being my friend and thank you for helping me see other ways to put my focus on Him God did speak to me today ....through you
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