Small steps in faith

Saturday, January 15, 2005

New Bed....New heart

It's 4:00 am and I can't sleep We got a new bed yesterday which is part of the reason When you sleep in a waterbed for 20 yrs, i think my new bed will take some time even though it's way more comfortable and I can't feel every position change Darrell makes He's still a bed/cover hog though :) and yes, he still snored Tyler ;0

The main reason I can't sleep though is because God woke me up to pray There are alot of things on my heart..actually people....most of them I know and love very much but there is one little boy that I do not know He is 9 yrs old and he is in a very difficult family situation Please pray for this little boy Pray that God intervenes quickly and especially that this little boy knows how much God loves and cares for him


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