Small steps in faith

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Feel with your heart..not always with your head

I love to talk to my patients about things besides their diabetes I like to find out who they are,how they think,and I love to watch their interactions with family
There have been many times when I will read the history/physical before I go into the room and have a preconceived idea of someone based on what a physician has written....I'm learning not to do that as much because what I find is that more times than not ..I see people differently. There is much more to the story than they have written.... noncompliance has,fear,self-esteem,depression,etc
This has been my experience this week
I overheard staff talking about a patient who "needs to be in a nursing home" and how unrealistic the wife is As I walked down the hall I saw the couple they were talking about They had to be in their late 80's ..he was in a wheelchair barely moving his feet to make it go and his wife had her face right next to his motivating and encouraging him to go a little further What they didn't see were the obvious years of love and dedication they had for each other. I think if they were separated they would die from broken hearts
Sometimes it's easy to look at things from your lifestyle,your experience, your beliefs,..sometimes you need to take yourself out of situations and look at it through the eyes of Christ and heart knowledge not head knowledge


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