Small steps in faith

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Did you remember?

Today's the day you should be an hour ahead If not you'll be late to wherever you're headed :)
I hate losing an hour of sleep but I love the fact that it will stay lighter in the evening and it means that summer is almost here:)

I went to see the spring musical "Footloose" friday night They did an awesome job
I know some people who read this hate the movie :) I can't say it's my favorite but I would go to see the musical again Jacque did a great job as one of the dancers !
We went to Applebees afterwards 1/2 price appetizers after 10..definitely worth it

I went to Old Navy yesterday If you're looking for bargains, they have their t- shirts 2 for $10 and their flipflops 2 for $5 and every color you can imagine

I went to Apex last night with Darrell and have to say I really do enjoy some of their choices of worship music They sing "Come and Listen" by David Crowder which is one of my favorites They are studying the book of Philemon right now which I have to say I don't remember ever reading. They are using it to connect the idea of house churches which they have just started
I'm looking forward to church at Southwest this morning Adam is doing the message and Tena is leading worship :) Tonight is "house church" with Darrell and tomorrow is 3rd Place..always my "breath of fresh air" spiritually.

That's my weekend..on to another busy week..I'm looking forward to seeing "Delirious?" and then on to see Kristen at Lee next weekend..yay!!


  • At 6:05 AM, Blogger Mike said…

    It's funny that 3rd Place is your "breath of fresh air." It is one of my stressful moments for the week. It is almost as if i can't wait to "get through" Monday. I love the group, and providing an opportunity for learning, but man, there is a lot that goes into it. I am glad that at least one person gets it and gets something from it. I am actually looking forward to our "vision casting" next week. I hope we have a lot of fresh ideas for the future.

  • At 11:27 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Me and Kristen went on a date and saw ice age 2. It was halrious. We went to applebees for half price appetizers too. We got two appetizers for like 7.00. Heyyyy!! Good Dealsssss!!!


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