Small steps in faith

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Vermont...Day 3

This is a picture of the outside of my sister's church. She attends a very traditional Presbyterian church. Her pastor is on a sabbatical so they have various people in the congregation doing the sermons.
Today's sermon topic was Lost in the Wilderness
He used the scripture which dealt with the Israelites in the wilderness ..Deuteronomy 8: 11-20 and the scripture that dealt with Jesus and his 40 days ..Matthew 4:1-11
We go through various stages of our life where we may we feel like we are in a wilderness here on earth...birth,marriage,children, and even empty nest.
The bottom line:We can't escape the wilderness. We need to be at home in the wilderness and let God be in control. We need to help each other during those hard times when the wilderness seems to invade our lives.

During their service they use Congregational responses which are sung.
The following was my favorite.
It's called "Words" by Desmond Tutu

Goodness is stronger than evil, love is stronger than hate.
Light is stronger than darkness, life is stronger than death.
Victory is ours; victory is ours through Him who loves us.

After church we helped my sister plant some flowers for her baskets. My brother in law has a 1999 Porsche boxter which he took me for a ride in...NICE!!!
We're just hanging out tonight and watching movies.


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