Small steps in faith

Sunday, February 07, 2010

"The Most Important Calling"

These are my notes from Apex.

Romans 10:12-13

God called us first..he's done a work inside of us.

Acts 2:29-30
We are able to call on the name of the Lord

3 ways of understanding "the call"

1. A general call...invitation summon

2. A specific call

3. A vocational ministry

Specific call
How to know you are called by God to be His son or daughter.

Rob did a visual on explaining the gospel.

God, who is just pure, and creator is at the top....scum of the earth at the bottom i.e. Hitler,Jeffrey Dahmer,Osama Bin Laden
In between are rungs of a ladder where we place family,friends,enemies,etc.
No matter where you put them on that ladder..they are not God, they are not perfect.
They all lead back down to the bottom because "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" "The wages of sin are death"
God created Christ to be our judge.

Ephesians 2
We are born dead in our transgressions

Even though we are impacted by sin, we are created to worship and we go through life like going up a ladder

Up the sides of the ladder rungs are ways we try to go up the ladder through our life
Secular...American dream, sports,being a "good person",philanthropy,education,marriage
Religious..praying,going to church,reading the Bible, mission trips,preaching

The rungs of the ladder represent every emotion,every thought

Can a "dead" person do things to go up the ladder ie pray,live the American dream..NO

Your "deadness" doesn't look like Hitler but what you are doing is "justifying" by comparing.
In the will be only you standing in front of Christ for judgment

Religion vs Gospel

Religion is "dead" people trying to do things...i.e. pray,go to church,give money,etc to get to God
The Gospel is making "dead" people alive..not making good people better.

God came down the ladder..He came under the law,He was tempted in every way,He was perfect,and He was judged for our sins because God is a judge and has to punish sin.
Christ absorbed our sin and was judged guilty..he was put on a cross and died. He went to the tomb.

The Good news
You can't keep a God buried..He rose 3 days later

When you wonder where was God when...there was abuse, there was a split in the church, there was a wrongful death,,,He was on the cross.

How do you know if you are called?
1. Believe and trust in Jesus Christ...John 1:12
2. Confess Jesus as Lord..Romans 10: 9-10
3. Turn from your sin...western culture wants Christianity without repentance.

You have to have repentance..even the demons believe and confess Jesus as Lord.


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