Small steps in faith

Monday, January 30, 2006

Sunday night "Fuel"

I am one of the youth sponsors for our youth program I lead a small group on Wed night for Senior high girls which is one of the things I look forward to at the beginning of my week Since I don't have Kristen here it helps keep me connected
At times I will go to their Sunday night group which is held at the garage

Right now they are doing a series called Sweet Relationships and the one last night dealt with teens and their parents ..not an easy one
Pat Hague and Jeff did a skit showing what a teen feels like in his bedroom after being yelled at by his dad
It was powerful
I know alot of kids identified with that and on the other side as a parent it impacted me as well
Alot of times kids try to live up to the "perfect image" that their parents have of them What I thought was good though was when he told them to remember that their parents aren't perfect either and sometimes its hard for them as well to live up to that "perfect image" they have
We all make mistakes we're human...the key is communication.
Relationships are hard..espcially with the ones you love the most..your parents and your kids


  • At 6:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I love you


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