These are my notes from Rob's sermon at Apex. He started out with the video above. It shows how you can end up when you are truly consumed with greed.
Philippians 3:18-20
Paul is writing a hard letter..weeping as he writes. He warning the church.
Consumerism is can be more poisonous than world religions.
There is a call for simplicity
Making a living is not equal to making a life
Statistics..Rob gave several of these and I wrote a few down. If you go to the podcast you can hear them all.
Consumer credit= 7+ trillion
Debt has doubled since 1990
56% of divorces are a result of finances
We are given an abundance of choice..this breeds dissatisfaction.
"Compensated dating"..women agree to be paid for dates including sex...the money isn't to's to shop.
Your god is your belly= your appetite
Our appetites have deep significance
Ex. obesity is hunger for ignore pain
sexual intimacy..want to be loved
work..don't want to be like our parents; worry of the future
Our hungers or appetites detach us from God
1 Appetites can place us on the wrong side of the cross..We have nothing to give to God from ourselves. If you are attached to "things" then you will hate the cross. You can't have it both ways. "Deny yourself and take up the cross"
2 Our appetites can destroy us....We engorge ourselves to the point of destruction affects us physically..sometimes to the point of death
Our humanity is not strong enough to support "things"..we will collapse
3 Our appetites define us...Our character is what we fill our lives with
4 Our appetites can control us...we stuff ourselves and we leave no room for God.
How can I tell if my appetite for other things surpasses my appetite for God?
1 Are you homesick for heaven? Do you think on Revelation 21 truths on a daily basis?
2 Are you homesick to the degree that it changes the way you live?
Scriptures...Psalm 63:1, 84:2,107:9,Luke 1:53, John 6:27, Matthew 5:6,Psalm 4:6-7,63:5,Job 23:12
At 11:39 PM,
Adam said…
That was a great video! I gave it to our senior minister in case he wants to use it for our money message series in January! Thanks for sharing!
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